Frequently Asked Questions

What does do? is price comparison website which helps buyers both offline and online compare mobile phone prices across stores at once and provide links to buy from the best store.

So how does it work?

This is very easy! All you have to do is use our search bar or browse the individual brands by clicking on the start comparing button or using the mobile phone links right at the top. We have made all these possible to you to find the best deal quickly and easily.

What is a Price Comparison Website Then?

A price comparison website is a website which lists all products from a number of stores at once. Think of it as a market where you get all the offers available from the different sellers at one place. this takes away the hussle of moving from one online shop to the order or moving from one physical shop to the other in an attempt to get the best.

Is that all?

No! We also have price drops which captures price recent price reductions so you can find not only the best deal but at a reduced price too.